Monday, 8 December 2008

Steve Ormrod

Well at the last meeting Steve Ormrod gave the region a talk based around the canal feeder and water treatment reservoirs we have in the northwest.
He mainly focused on one of these of which he was a member of the syndicate, focussing on basics like location and understanding what is in front of you under the surface.
A top night and fairly thought provoking dor those both who have fished some of these venues and those who have not venttured up into the bleak moorlands surrounding us

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Steve Ormrod

Next wednesday see's Steve Ormrod visiting our headquarters this gentleman is a stalwart of pike fishing and the PAC so hope you can all make it.

Oh and if thats not enough its the Christmas do as well

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Mad Mick Bowen

Cheers for last night very alternative tallk compared to what we have seen so far. Going tinkering in the shed to make a boilie hopper as we speak sorry i missed the last bit but needed to be home by 11 last night, and for all the stayaways out there with it being bonfire night and all you missed probably the most down to earth and humorous speaker we have seen so far hope the fires were worth it.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Well its almost time for the next meeting which will feature a bit of a show by Mick Bowen.

this gentleman is known for his river piking exploits, should be a good night they usually are anyway see you all next wednesday

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Woody' and his eels

Well last night we kicked off our second season with a show from a local angler with a penchant for local fishing.

I have to confess i missed the early part of his show and talk which from what i did see revolved around carp on some of the waters he grew up on.

Damian then moved onto what fo0r a considerable part of is life has been his major love the much maligned eel, he proceded to give us his thoughts on using rig mechanics to do away with the potential deep hooking problems for more info go to

He then went into his other exploits for the local perch, and accidental (nuisance) captures of pike

all in all a good allround gab with lots of thought provoking ideas that was well presented

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Region fish in

hello once again the 1st of this seasons meets will be this saterday on Pennington flash.

Meet up around 4 pm and fish from 5-9 with bits of over priced wood and plastic, so its a lure fishing event then. for those amongst you who havnt tried your hand at this then id pop along and have a nosey, or conversely bring baits and have a wobble.

the evening will be rounded of with a bbq so come along and enjoy

Sunday, 31 August 2008

coaching event

hello again on the 21st of september we will once again be doing the coaching event for all the budding pikers out there

the event will be taking place at Carr Mill Dam between 10 am to 2 pm on the dam wall end near the waterside pub so for all the sat nav users the post code is at the bottom for the other mere map reading mortals here is the full address

Anyone wishing to partake needs to be there for 9:30 am to register themselves for the day

The Waterside Premier lodge
Garswood old road
St Helens
Wa11 9ab

Monday, 2 June 2008

pussy galore

for those of you with an interest inthe title sorry no james bond thinigs going on (ahem)any way on the saterday of 26th july there will be a region fish in for catfish in the manchester area details from me or Jon Neafcy the cost of the fishing is 10£its a well known cat venue with fish to 30lb reported in recent seasons

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Eel Night

Well we have something to do through the summer now rather than chase carp

We are holding a joint Eel fishing overnighter with the National Anguila Club (NAC), the event is to be held on the Leeds Liverpool Canal around the Red Rock Area (Wigan) on Saturday 21ST June 2008, the event is being organised by myself & Peter Waterfield (NAC), Peter will be aranging info on rigs & Eel welfare for those who attend. It is envisaged that fishing will be from around 8pm to 6am, we are hoping to pair up into teams of two one PAC & one NAC

if anyone is interested please mail Jon If you have his email, failing that mail the address on here and i will pass the info over to him.

please include an email address that we may reach you on.

Monday, 10 March 2008

Scott Davidson

Well last wednesday we had Scott Davidson giving us at region 31 his slideshow now as someone whos only venture north of the border was to Gretna Green (not for fishing purposes) Scotland remains a bit of a mystery.
Much of Scotts fishing looks to have been on largish venues chasing wild pike
The talk touched on how his fishing has progressed over severall years and loughs to his current achievments on menteith
While the talk seemed to be more of a my way type of set up as opposed to some of the technical ones we have had the content and atmosphere related by this for me at least was possibly one of the most entertaining types of show so far
All in all a great night and im glad i dont have to fish alongside Scott looking at the amount of fish he puts on the bank.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Jon Neafcy

On wednesday we were treated to Jon's slide show and talk. the title of which hinted at his youthfull age, also showing his piking as a youngster with a little thrown in from the last few years (ever the optomist or should that be youthfull?)
Jon showed us how he started his pike fishing exploits in the early days in the lake district with the typical kit of the day. In doing this it shows how far we have progressed in a relativly short space of time, as the kit we now take for granted is so far beyond what we once used, not to mention dress sense mind you it hasnt changed all that much.
The 1st fish Jon showed was quite memorable and te tale that went with it will leave many laughing about there early days
Jon also threw in some of his other fish that he has targeted over the years, eels, cats, carp to name a few.
As ever rather than go into too much detail and run the risk of Jon's show being spoiled for others yet to see it ill leave it at that suffice to say its a show that left me (at least) looking inward at how my fishing has progressed rather than the more usual shows that tend to give rise to quite a few questions

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Eric Edwards

Well tonight we were treated to a talk and slideshow by Eric Edwards (who coincidentaly is fan of the daily telegraph).
Eric showed slide of some pike that were on the largish side hes caught and talked his way round some big(ish) lakes.
Eric gave us some of his insights into the theory and practice of fishing some of these waters, a lot of his thoughts were quite interesting to say the least for those of us who fish these kind of places. The points he raised on themoclines (Eric used far more technical terms acompanied by lovely coloured diagrams) shouold give rise to thought for any angler who fishes waters large enough to develop them, following this he produced a partial map of a lake and pointed out a favoured area, then opened it up to the floor to see what other features would be picked out by those of us willing to have a go (Jon was busy with the camera at this point taking pictures and as one wag pointed out it was only for the map and the spots Eric would pick).
All in all quite a thought provoking evening.
So from me thank you Eric